Members and Governance 

EBU Alliance 

EBU Universities

The European Bioeconomy University was founded as an alliance of six partner universities on July 3, 2019 in Brussels. At the time of establishment these were the universities part of the alliance: APT, BOKU, UEF, UHOH, UniBo, WUR. 

On September 7, 2023, two other universities joined the alliance as full members: SGGW and SLU.

Representatives from all EBU founding universities together in Brussels, Belgium for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on 3 July 2019

EBU Associated Partners 

Become a Partner 

As of now, EBU is not accepting any application for Core or Associated Partners. For any inquire, please contact us.


The European Bioeconomy University is internally governed by the EBU Presidents’ Board, the Scientific Coordinators’ Group and the Operational Coordinators’ group. The EBU general meeting of all representatives is held biennially as part of the EBU Scientific Forum.