
Our aim is to strengthen the capacity and competitiveness of bioeconomy research through co-operation of European research teams and to build up a creative hub for the development, promotion and implementation of the bioeconomy across Europe. 

The European Bioeconomy University Responsible Research and Innovation Strategy 

  • Systematically assesses the European bioeconomy research environment and develops joint strategies for excellence, the exploitation of strengths, and the closing of research gaps 
  • Collaborative research projects in the frame of future international joint research programs 
  • Joint interdisciplinary PhD student training programs and mobility programs for PhD students and researchers 
  • Implementation of knowledge-creating teams across the EBU partners
    • Sets up a strategy for the common use of research infrastructures
    • Establishes joint research laboratories for emerging technologies
  • Performs research and provides sound, responsible and relevant knowledge to decision-makers and stakeholders 
  • Develops policy recommendations for bioeconomy research

Current Joint Research Projects

Past Joint Research Projects